September is National Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Month. We recently caught up with BAYADA Client Eric LeGrand—a former member of the Rutgers University Scarlet Knights football team and SCI advocate.

We asked LeGrand, who suffered a spinal cord injury during an October 2010 football game, a few questions about what it’s like living with a SCI and what advice he has to give to others facing the same challenges.

It’s been almost six years since you sustained your injury. What is life like now?

Life is good; I’m very blessed. I am currently working on a TV show called Mission Possible and am continuing to develop my broadcasting career working with Rutgers Football Radio Network, ESPN, The Big Ten Network, and Sirius XM radio. I also spend much time working with my foundation, Team LeGrand, and do motivational speaking. 

Are there any misconceptions about spinal cord injuries?

I believe the biggest misconception is that people automatically think that you can't do anything because you’re in a wheelchair. I want able-bodied people to realize that individuals with spinal cord injuries are not so different than they are. They may have to do things a little bit differently, but still can make a great influence on society. 

What advice would you give to people who have recently sustained a spinal cord injury?

Welcome to the family. It may not be one you want to join, but once you have, you can be sure that we will always have your back and are there to help each other out in any way we can. We are working together to find a cure for paralysis while helping people achieve a better quality of life.

The BAYADAbility Rehab Solutions program has been instrumental in keeping LeGrand safe at home and while he travels. His care team is specially trained to keep him healthy and out of the hospital so he can keep up with the demands of his productive and busy lifestyle.

Watch LeGrand and his mom discuss BAYADAbility and their care team. Visit to learn more about spinal cord injuries

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