Caring for a child with complex medical needs is an enormous responsibility. It’s not uncommon for parents to be overwhelmed, exhausted, and sometimes downright frightened. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Having professional pediatric in-home caregivers can make all the difference. They can keep your child safe while letting you get the rest and support you need. Think your child isn’t eligible for services? You’re not alone. Below are five common reasons many people believe that their child doesn’t qualify for home health care. You may be surprised at the answers.
"My child doesn’t qualify for in-home care because…….”
False. Many children with special needs and medical complications qualify for in-home night nursing or home health aide services (so mom and dad can sleep) regardless of the caregiver’s working status. Also, children can qualify to have nurses or aides accompany them to school depending on the special need or health condition they have.
Sometimes false. Children qualify for nursing or aide services based on a wide variety of needs and conditions. Home health care may be appropriate for children with a tracheostomy and/or ventilator, oxygen, pulse ox monitoring, tube feeding, IV/PICC line/port, limited mobility, seizures, autism and so much more.
This can also be false. Sometimes an aide isn’t enough. Your child may need one-on-one nursing care during the school day to keep them safe. You can also look into having home care nurses or aides accompany your child on the school bus.
False. That is not a reason for an insurance company to deny coverage. Most parents of medically fragile children are trained to care for their children whether or not they have professional nursing care at home.
Never assume this is true. I can’t promise home health care will be approved but I can tell you, it’s worth a try!
As the mom to a five-year-old special needs boy, I know all the questions that swirl through your head when it comes to whether or not your child is eligible for help in the home and at school. For months, I slept on the floor next to his feeding pump while he slept in a small car seat, with a mass of tubes and wires attached to his tiny body. When I inquired about nursing care at home, I was first told I didn’t qualify because I did not work. Eventually, I found out that night hours would be covered because, let’s face it….we all need sleep!
The best way to check to see if your child qualifies for home nursing is to reach out to a few local home care companies and see what they have to offer. Most companies will take your information and contact your health insurance provider or other payor source to determine if your child qualifies for in-home care. You may be pleasantly surprised.
Don’t go sleepless and exhausted for days….Call your local BAYADA Pediatrics—we would love to help!