For BAYADA Home Health Care’s 50th anniversary, I sat down with BAYADA President and Chief Operating Officer Heather Helle. Heather is a powerhouse on our executive team, and her warmth and energy inspire everyone. Here’s what she shared about:

  1. Helping more home care clients and families than ever before
  2. Growing stronger as an organization by overcoming tough challenges
  3. How supply and demand affect home care clients and workers
  4. Exciting opportunities to grow and innovate at BAYADA

Question: Hello Heather, thank you for joining us! We always love the chance to hear about what you’ve been thinking and doing.S00399_26971985_Blog4_Web_Image_Leadership_Spotlight_Future_Focused_Q&A_Heather_Helle_500x500px_V1

Heather Helle: Absolutely, my pleasure! This is such an exciting time at BAYADA thanks to all our employees, clients, and partners.

Question: Yes, so what makes this an exciting time?

Heather Helle: BAYADA’s work to help clients live at home with comfort, independence, and dignity is making an incredible impact in the communities we serve. In fact, in 2024, we helped more clients and families than ever before, more than 168,000. I am grateful to everyone who was part of that.

For our 50th anniversary, we really want to celebrate the people who got us here by sharing their stories and listening to their ideas. We all have reason to be very proud of how far we’ve come and where we’re going. The work we’ve done already has set the bar really high, and I believe the next ten years will be our best yet.

Question: Why do you say that?

Heather Helle: Just think about the last decade. A lot of really hard challenges were thrown at us, and we not only survived, we thrived. Our teams had to innovate and adapt. Together we met the most monumental challenge of all, protecting our clients and employees through the COVID-19 pandemic. BAYADA caregivers, office, and support staff were absolute heroes. We kept our clients and communities safe during the biggest health care crisis of our lifetime.

And now, we’re on the other side of that hill, stronger than before. Together, we reached new levels of trust, clarity, and connection. We listened closely, showed empathy, and responded to the needs of others. And we are putting those skills and more forward as we keep growing and improving to help even more people.

Question: When you talk about growing, what are the market considerations for BAYADA?

Heather Helle: First, demand for our services continues to grow. Our population of seniors over 65 will almost double by 2060. Diagnoses of developmental disability have increased almost 20 percent among children. More and more health care services are moving out of facilities into the home setting. All of this means that BAYADA will need to serve more people and communities.

Second, we’re facing a worker shortage. The health care workforce is not growing enough to meet future needs. Competition for talent is not going away, so we need to double down on our reputation for excellent training and career development. Those investments in great people and great talent will only need to increase.

Where we decide to spend our resources, time, and energy—putting people first—is going to make The BAYADA Way come true and make these growth years the best we’ve experienced yet.

Question: What will that mean for BAYADA employees?

Heather Helle: It means opportunity for those who are open to growth and evolution. Technology is enhancing workflows and making us more productive, faster than any other time in human history. We are creating better care solutions, and being rewarded for our reliability, performance, and patient outcomes. We are seeing more and more organic growth. Whatever it is that you do best, this is your time to step up and shine.

Finding ways to deliver exceptional five-pillar performance remains at the forefront. Diverse perspectives and innovative ideas will continue to be needed. We are serving a purpose bigger than ourselves, and this is everyone’s chance to come together and make an even bigger, meaningful difference in people’s lives.

Question: What do you mean by organic growth—how does that work?

Heather Helle: Organic growth means that we are growing through our own efforts rather than through merging with other companies or buying them. Two examples of how we are growing organically are expanding our workforce and opening new offices.

We’re also delivering high-quality care services that are strongly focused on each client’s individual needs. We are responsive, we are caring, and we are trusted by our clients and their families. It’s a simple, powerful cycle: Great service leads to trust, and trust leads to more client opportunity. Every time we do that well, we build even more trust and stronger relationships in the communities we serve.

Providing excellent clinical care is a key factor in our growth and how we’ll keep growing. It’s not just about doing our job well—it’s about doing it in a way that makes people feel cared for, valued, and supported. The better we do that, the more people will want to work with us, and that helps us grow even more.

Question: How confident are you that we will be able to meet the challenges ahead?

Heather Helle: I am very confident. Of course, there’s no way to know for sure what the future holds. But we have 50 years of evidence to prove that what we’re doing is working.

Our people have a spirit of social impact. We are obsessive about improving how we help our clients. That’s one of the things that makes us special. The BAYADA Way encourages us to show up, be excellent, and make our clients and families feel cared for and supported.

In the meetings we have, we talk a lot about “purpose and performance.” That means growing in a way that is financially sustainable while also staying true to our values. BAYADA does that better than any other home health care provider.

All of this is the result of our employees’ hard work and dedication. We are so grateful to all of you for the amazing and magical work that’s happened over 50 years! Working here is a labor of love, and our BAYADA employees show love, every day. We are going to leverage this momentum and make a difference for even more people in need.

This is an organization united by a common mission and vision. Together, we are finding better ways to deliver home health care, so that​ millions of individuals can live safely and comfortably at home.​ What could be more fulfilling?

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About the Author

Jen Allen is a career writer who loves to promote stories about the people and ideas making the world a better place.

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