Tags: CNA Jobs

Are you ready to take your CNA exam? Our CNA practice test will help you prepare for the exam and you role as a home health aide or CNA at a home health care company. There are four sections with multiple choice questions. After completing all sections, check your answers at the bottom. Good luck!

Section 1: Change in client status

1)_________Client is very drowsy and seems somewhat confused. This is out of the ordinary for the client. The family says it is probably because they had visitors over the weekend.
You should:
A. Call the doctor to report changes
B. Call the office and speak to your supervisor
C. Wait to see if the client becomes more alert

2)_________ Client has become very disagreeable and difficult to handle and does not seem to want to partake in the normal daily routine; disagrees about everything; refuses to eat, and states, the “food is no good, I think it is poisoned.” 
You should:
A. Call the family and the doctor to report changes
B. Call the office and speak to your supervisor
C. Wait to see if the client becomes more pleasant to deal with

3)_________ Client used to enjoy walking around the block in the afternoon. You notice that even when she walks to the bathroom, she seems to have difficulty breathing. Client appears to tire easily and sometimes has short “gasps” for air.
You should:
A. Tell the client to use their inhaler and take more medicine
B. Call the office and speak to your supervisor
C. Call the doctor to report changes.

4)_________ Client enjoys relaxing outside in the sunshine. You notice that the client is developing sunburn, but refuses to come inside. The client has had skin sensitivity to the sun in the past.
You should:
A. Give the client some sunscreen and a hat and check on their skin in an hour
B. Call the office and speak to your supervisor
C. Threaten the client to come inside, or you will call their family members to report the problem

5)_________ Client does not want to communicate with you and is showing signs of being annoyaned with BAYADA in the home.
You should:
A. Call the office to report the change to your supervisor 
B. Contact the family to see if this is normal behavior 
C. Call the doctor to report changes in behavior


Section 2: Request to perform tasks not on the care plan

6)_________ The client’s mother asks that you provide the client a shower, but the care plan says bed bath.
You should:
A. Tell the mother that you can’t do a bath because it is not on the care plan 
B. Tell the mother you will check with your supervisor to see if you can do it, because it is not on the care plan
C. Give the client a bath and tell your supervisor the next time you talk to them

7)_________ The client’s mother asks you to do the range of motion exercises that the mother usually does, but she is busy and does not have time today. The exercises are not on the care plan and you have never done the exercises before.
You should:
A. Tell the mother that you can’t do those exercises because it is not on the care plan
B. Tell the mother you will check with your supervisor to see if you can do it, because it is not on the care plan
C. Ask your supervisor to show you how to do the exercises if it is an approved activity for the client

8)__________ The client asks you to drive them to the doctor’s office. The daughter usually drives them but apparently the daughter is out of town on vacation. The client states it would be fine if you drove their car.
You should:
A. Drive the client to the doctor’s offices
B. Drive the client to the doctor’s office, but make sure you have your license and the car is insured first 
C. Call your supervisor to make sure it is OK to drive the client’s car

9)___________ The client asks you to cook a meal. He says “I will not eat unless it’s this meal.” The ingredients are not in the home and it would require you to leave the house.
You should:
A. Go to the store and get the ingredients
B. Call the family members or neighbors and ask them to get the ingredients
C. Call your supervisor for further direction, to make sure it is safe to the leave the client and that the meal is permitted on the client’s diet plan

10)__________ Client wants to walk the dog around block. You feel that it might not be safe for him with his current strength and condition. He refuses to let you help.
You should:
A. Allow the client to go for the walk with the dog, but go with the client for safety reasons
B. Call the doctor to see if the client may walk around the block with the dog
C. Call your supervisor for further instructions


Section 3: Ask to work at a different time than is scheduled by the supervisor.

11)__________ The client’s wife has a doctor's appointment tomorrow at 2pm. She would like you to switch your hours from morning to afternoon tomorrow, so she can go to her doctor's appointment while you stay with the client. You should:
A. Call the doctor’s office and see if they can make a home visit to the client’s wife
B. Call your supervisor to see if it is possible to switch the hours
C. Tell the client’s wife that we never switch hours and she must make other plans for her appointment

12)___________ The client states he needs more time for his bath and that you need to move slower and not rush him. This would require you to stay longer at the client’s house, possibly an hour longer than you are scheduled.
You should:
A. Tell the client you cannot move slower and he must hurry through the bath
B. Tell the family that they need to give the client a bath when they come home because it takes too much time
C. Call your supervisor to see if the time can be changed or request other changes to the care plan to allow time to give the bath

13)___________ The client would like your assistance to go to a concert next Friday. You are not scheduled next Friday, but you are scheduled for next Thursday. The client asks that you come on Friday instead of Thursday.
You should:
A. Tell the client that you have another client scheduled at that time and we never change the schedule after it has been created
B. Tell the client they have to miss the concert, as we do not help clients to go to concerts
C. Call your supervisor to see if this request can be arranged

14)__________ The client would like your help with attending a religious event. You do not feel comfortable, and the client insists you must go with him and stay late.
You should:
A. Tell the client you are not allowed to attend religious events 
B. Tell the client that you can go but you cannot stay late at the event
C. Call your supervisor to see if the request can be arranged


Section 4: Client not following doctor’s orders

15)_________ You notice that the client is supposed to take insulin every morning. This morning, the client says they don’t need to take insulin anymore.
You should:
A. Tell the client to take the medicine or you will call 911 to take him to the hospital
B. Call the office to talk to your supervisor
C. Call the doctor and ask if the client should be taking the insulin every morning. Try to get the doctor to talk to the client

16)_________ The client asks if you could help her order a pizza for dinner. You know the client is on a low salt diet and the pizza is likely high salt.
You should:
A. Tell the client that they are not allowed to have pizza on a low salt diet
B. Call the doctor and to tell them that the client is not adhering to the dietary restrictions
C. Call your office and speak to your supervisor

17)_________ The client is not supposed to walk without a walker or bend over at the waist because he just had a hip replacement. The client said the walker is annoying, and he will no longer use it. He feels strong enough to go without a walker.
You should:
A. Call the physical therapist that visited the client and ask for direction
B. Call the family and report that the client is not following doctor’s orders
C. Call your office and speak to your supervisor

18)__________ The client is supposed to wear shoes in the house for safety. You notice that he is not wearing shoes and refuses to wear them.
You should:
A. Tell the client to wear the shoes, and then begin to force the shoes on the client’s feet.
B. Tell the client to wear shoes because it is safer than bare feet.
C. Call your supervisor to ask for suggestions.

19)__________ The client is supposed to take medication in the morning. You notice that the client is not taking his pills. He will not respond to your recommendations.
You should:
A. Try to find out why the client is not taking his medications and then call the doctor and report it 
B. Call the office and speak to your supervisor.
C. Try to trick the client to take his medications by putting them in his food.

A Home Health Care Agency

 Answer Guide for cna practice test: 1) B 2) B 3) C 4) B 5) A 6) B 7) B or C 8) C 9) C 10) C 11) B 12) C 13) C 14) C 15) B 16) C 17) C 18) C 19) B

About the Author

Founded in 1975 by Founder and Chairman Mark Baiada, BAYADA has become a trusted leader in providing a full range of clinical care and support services at home for children and adults of all ages. BAYADA remains true to Mark’s commitment to purpose by finding, training, and supporting employees who take pride and find joy in healing and helping.

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